Welcome toMX Careers

Benefits of choosing Machine Worx

We will always remain an agile team of engineers, scientists, and machinists. we are not interested in blindly following competition or market trends. We are aiming to revolutionize what it means to be a full service manufacturing partner. Wether it be helping you identify and improve inefficiencies or helping our design partners maximize their sales & profitability. We are here to help our customers get ahead.

Workplace Culture

As a family owned business we pride ourselves on creating and upholding a tightly knit community of hard working individuals

Oppurtunity for growth

We are looking to build an elite team of engineers, machinists, and other specialists including material, chemical, and computer scientists. If you are hard working and looking to learn and grow as a proffesional we would love to see your application.

Industry Advancements

As our shop expands we are always striving to deliver cutting edge results faster, cheaper, and in less time. If you want to build the future of manufacturing, you have come to the right place.